Scuola – Obbligo di frequenza di almeno tre quarti dell’orario annuale personalizzato – Deroghe – Artt. 11 e 14, comma 7, D.P.R. 22 giugno 2009, n. 122 – Certificazione medica – Non ammissione alla classe successiva – Motivazione inadeguata  – Illegittimità .        

Ai sensi del combinato disposto degli artt. 11 e 14, comma 7, D.P.R. 22 giugno 2009 n. 122 (secondo cui ai fini della validità  dell’anno scolastico è richiesta la frequenza di almeno tre quarti dell’orario annuale personalizzato, ma le istituzioni scolastiche possono stabilire motivate e straordinarie deroghe al suddetto limite, a condizione che non sia pregiudicata la possibilità  di procedere alla valutazione dell’alunno), è illegittima la decisione del consiglio di classe di non procedere alla valutazione dell’alunno a fronte della certificazione medica prodotta a giustificazione delle numerose assenze, attestante che il medesimo era affetto da grave patologia.
Vedi ric. TAR, 1465 – 2011; sentenza 15 novembre 2012, 1937 – 2012

N. 00793/2011 REG.PROV.CAU.
N.   01573/2011  01573/2011 REG.RIC.           

Il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per la Puglia
(Sezione Terza)
ha pronunciato la presente
sul ricorso numero di registro generale 1573 del 2011, proposto da:

Francesco Mastrototaro, rappresentato e difeso dall’avv. Giacomo Quagliarella, con domicilio eletto presso lo studio dell’avv. Claudia Curci in Bari, via Calefati, n. 61/A;

Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università  e della Ricerca, in persona del Ministro p.t., Liceo Scientifico Statale “C. Cafiero” di Barletta, in persona del legale rappresentante p.t., rappresentati e difesi dall’Avvocatura Distrettuale dello Stato di Bari, domiciliata per legge in Bari, via Melo, 97;

per l’annullamento
previa sospensione dell’efficacia,
– della nota prot n 3659 del 16 6 2011, ricevuta il 17 6 2011, con cui il Dirigente scolastico del Liceo scientifico statale “C. Cafiero” ha comunicato che il Consiglio della classe IV°, sez H, riunitosi il 15.6.2011 in seduta di scrutinio finale per l’A. s. 2010-2011 ha deliberato di non ammettere alla classe successiva l’alunno Mastrototaro Francesco;
– del verbale n. 5 del 15.6.2011 mercè il quale il Consiglio della classe IV° sez. H, ha deliberato di non procedere allo scrutinio finale per l’A.s. 2010-2011 dell’alunno Mastrototaro Francesco ai sensi dell’art. 14, comma 7, D.P n. 122/2609;
– di ogni altro atto presupposto e/o consequenziale comunque lesivo per il ricorrente, ancorchè dal medesimo non conosciuto.

Visti il ricorso e i relativi allegati;
Visti gli atti di costituzione in giudizio del Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università  e della Ricerca e del Liceo Scientifico Statale “C. Cafiero” di Barletta;
Vista la domanda di sospensione dell’esecuzione del provvedimento impugnato, presentata in via incidentale dalla parte ricorrente;
Visto l’art. 55 c.p.a.;
Visti tutti gli atti della causa;
Ritenuta la propria giurisdizione e competenza;
Relatore nella camera di consiglio del giorno 22 settembre 2011 la dott.ssa Rosalba Giansante e uditi per le parti i difensori, gli avv.ti Maria Evelyn Nagliero, su delega di Giacomo Quagliarella e l’avv. dello Stato Lucia Ferrante;

CONSIDERATO che, ad un primo esame sommario proprio della fase cautelare, emergono profili che inducono a ritenere fondato il ricorso, tenuto conto in particolare che la motivazione di cui al verbale dello scrutinio finale del Consiglio di Classe di non procedere allo scrutinio dell’alunno ai sensi dell’art. 14, comma 7, del D.P.R. n. 122 del 2009 non è adeguata, ma impinge nel giudizio medico che, lungi dall’essere generico, si connota di una seria patologia;
CONSIDERATO inoltre che il ricorrente non è stato ammesso alla classe successiva solo sulla base del mancato conseguimento del limite minimo di frequenza;
RITENUTO pertanto che occorre procedere alla valutazione di merito dell’alunno Francesco Mastrototaro ai fini della ammissione dell’alunno stesso alla classe successiva, applicando la disciplina in deroga prevista dal combinato disposto degli artt. 11 e 14, comma 7, del D.P.R. 22 giugno 2009 n. 122;
RITENUTO altresì che si rinviene il presupposto del pregiudizio grave e irreparabile richiesto dall’articolo 55 del Decreto Legislativo 2 luglio 2010 n. 104 per la concessione della misura cautelare;
RITENUTO, quanto alle spese della presente fase cautelare, che sussistono tuttavia giusti motivi per compensare integralmente le spese tra le parti;
Il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per la Puglia (Sezione Terza) accoglie la suindicata domanda incidentale di sospensione e per l’effetto ordina al Liceo Scientifico Statale “C. Cafiero” di Barletta di provvedere alla valutazione di merito dell’alunno Francesco Mastrototaro, funzionale alla ammissione dell’alunno stesso alla classe successiva.
Fissa l’udienza pubblica del 23 febbraio 2012 per la discussione del ricorso nel merito.
Spese compensate.
La presente ordinanza sarà  eseguita dall’Amministrazione ed è depositata presso la segreteria del tribunale che provvederà  a darne comunicazione alle parti.
Così deciso in Bari nella camera di consiglio del giorno 22 settembre 2011 con l’intervento dei magistrati:
Pietro Morea, Presidente
Paolo Amovilli, Referendario
Rosalba Giansante, Referendario, Estensore


Il 23/09/2011
(Art. 89, co. 3, cod. proc. amm.)

/////////// SEARCH ///////////
var g_aEng;
var g_loc;

// Initialize namespace, use existing context
var searchshield = searchshield || {};


// constants
searchshield.SCORE_SS_SAFE = 1;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_CAUTION = 2;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_WARNING = 3;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_BLOCK = 4;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN = 7;

searchshield.BLOCK_NONE = 0;
searchshield.BLOCK_NORMAL = 1;
searchshield.BLOCK_PHISH = 2;
searchshield.BLOCK_YAHOO = 3;

searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE = 0;
searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_LOW = 1;
searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_MED = 2;

searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_NOTEST = 0;
searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTA = 1;
searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTB = 2;

searchshield.needLivePhishCheck = false;
searchshield.allowedSites = [];
searchshield.enabled = function (doc)
var result = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, ‘GetSearchEnabled’);
return (result == ‘1’ ? 1 : 0);
searchshield.init = function (doc)
if ((doc == null) || (doc.location == null) || ( != -1))

if (!searchshield.enabled(doc))

if (!g_aEng)
g_aEng = searchshield.Search.prototype.detectEngine(doc.location.href);

if (!g_aEng)

// init search object (not declared or is null)
if (typeof xplSearch === ‘undefined’)
// global
xplSearch = new searchshield.Search();

// reset the links added flag
xplSearch.new_links = false;

xplSearch.doc = doc;
xplSearch.href = xplSearch.doc.location.href;
xplSearch.uri = searchshield.parseLink(xplSearch.href);

xplSearch.engine = new searchshield[g_aEng+’SearchEngine’](xplSearch)


if (doc.location.href != g_loc)
g_loc = doc.location.href;
if ((typeof xplSearch !== ‘undefined’) && (xplSearch != null))
searchshield.launch = function (doc)
// IE specific check
searchshield.quirksMode = ( == ‘BackCompat’);
searchshield.docMode = parseInt(navigator.userAgent.split(‘MSIE’)[1]);

if ((self === top) && (self.document === doc))
if (!xplSearch.engine)

// set verdict display config

// init the alert popup

if (xplSearch.engine.type != ‘inline’)
// save function reference for memory clean up later
var fn = function(event){avglsflyover.hide(null)};

//hide flyover if these events occur
window.detachEvent(‘onscroll’, fn);
window.attachEvent(‘onscroll’, fn);

doc.detachEvent(‘onkeydown’, fn);
doc.attachEvent(‘onkeydown’, fn);

// only start monitor on top doc


// search monitors and processors – doc is always top most document
searchshield.avgPageMonitor = {
previousUrl: null,
start: function(doc){
searchshield.avgPageMonitor.timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function(){searchshield.avgPageMonitor.start(doc)}, 1000);
process: function(doc){
var currentUrl = doc.location.href;
var refresh = 0;
if (this.previousUrl != currentUrl) {
this.previousUrl = currentUrl;
avgreport.scanResult(doc, currentUrl);
refresh = ( == ‘google’) ? 1 : 0;
searchshield.avgProcessSearch(doc, refresh);
stop: function(){
if (searchshield.avgPageMonitor.timeoutID)
delete searchshield.avgPageMonitor.timeoutID;

searchshield.avgProcessSearch = function (doc, refresh)
// doc may be about:Tabs or about:Blank
if (!doc)

if (!searchshield.enabled(doc))

if (!searchshield.clockUrl)
searchshield.clockUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, ‘GetIconUrl’, ‘0’);

xplSearch.clockUrl = searchshield.clockUrl

if (!xplSearch.engine)

// get result links
xplSearch.links = [];
var links = searchshield.avgGetSearchLinks(doc, xplSearch.engine, refresh);

searchshield.needLivePhishCheck = false;
for (var i=0; i < links.length; i++) { var isPhishing = searchshield.avglsCheckandUpdate(links[i]); if (isPhishing) searchshield.needLivePhishCheck = true; } if (searchshield.needLivePhishCheck) { var prev = '1'; if ( xplSearch.engine.type == 'inline' ) prev = '0'; searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'GetPhishingResults', prev); searchshield.needLivePhishCheck = false; } else if (links.length > 0 && xplSearch.engine.type != ‘inline’)
searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, ‘FinalScanComplete’);

// attach click handlers for popup alerts
doc.body.detachEvent(“onclick”, searchshield.blockClick);
doc.body.attachEvent(“onclick”, searchshield.blockClick);

doc.body.detachEvent(“ondblclick”, searchshield.blockClick);
doc.body.attachEvent(“ondblclick”, searchshield.blockClick);
searchshield.avgGetSearchLinks = function (doc, engine, refresh)
if (!doc.body)

var alltags = doc.body.getElementsByTagName(‘a’);
for (var i = 0; i < alltags.length; i++) { if ( !refresh ) { // no checked test if refreshing - google if (alltags[i].getAttribute('avglschecked')) continue; } // mark search result anchor so it isn't processed repeatedly alltags[i].setAttribute('avglschecked', '1'); // ignore linked resources if (alltags[i].tagName == 'LINK') continue; // ignore in-page bookmarks and javascript if ((!alltags[i].href) || (alltags[i].href.charAt(0) == '#') || // in-page bookmark (alltags[i].href.indexOf("javascript") == 0)) continue; // ignore verdicts if (/XPLSS_/.test(alltags[i].id)) continue; // ignore flyover anchors if (/avgthreatlabs/.test(alltags[i].host)) continue; var href = engine.includeLink(alltags[i]); if (!href) continue; var newNode =[i], href); engine.addImage(newNode,, false); } // recursivesly process all frames var docFrames = doc.frames; if (docFrames && engine.processFrames) { for (var j = 0; j < docFrames.length; j++) { var attr; var frameDoc; try { attr = docFrames[j].frameElement.className; frameDoc = docFrames[j].document; } catch(err){} //TODO: make frame processing an engine function or at least make exclusions an engine property // 'editable' frame it's probably a gmail reply if (attr && (attr.indexOf("editable") != -1)) continue; if (frameDoc) searchshield.avgGetSearchLinks(frameDoc, engine, 0); } } return; }; searchshield.avglsCheckandUpdate = function (linkNode) { if (!xplSearch) return; // element is the search result anchor var element = linkNode.element; var href = linkNode.href; var result = searchshield.avgCallFunc(xplSearch.doc, 'CheckSite', href, element.href); if (result == null) return; var resultParse = result.split('::'); var phishing = resultParse[0]; // if phishing then rest of array does not exist. if (phishing == 1) return true; if (resultParse.length < 8) return; var hash = resultParse[1]; var score = resultParse[2]; var new_image = resultParse[3]; var alt_image = resultParse[4]; var flyover = resultParse[5]; var click_thru= resultParse[6]; var altClick_thru = resultParse[7]; // iterate to get verdict anchor nextElem = element.nextSibling; while (nextElem) { if (nextElem.nodeType == 1 && && ("XPLSS_") != -1)) break; nextElem = nextElem.nextSibling; } return xplSearch.engine.updateImage(hash, xplSearch.searchHash, score, new_image, alt_image, flyover, click_thru, altClick_thru); }; // click event handler - shows popup for links of caution and warning severity searchshield.blockClick = function(event) { if (!event) event = window.event; // no action needed if click is not the left mouse button if (event.button != 0) return; var anchor = searchshield.getAnchorNode(event.srcElement, function(node) {return ((node.tagName.charAt(0) == "H") || (node.tagName.charAt(0) == "D") || (node.tagName.charAt(0) == "T"))} ); if ((anchor == null) || (anchor.href == null)) return true; // ignore if anchor is on an xpl verdict if (!! { if ('LXPLSS_') == 0) return true; if ('XPLSS_INTR') == 0) { searchshield.allowedSites.push(searchshield.GetDomain(anchor.href)); return true; } } // VeriSign A/B Split reporting - only for VerSign domains var avglschecked = anchor.getAttribute("avglschecked"); if (avglschecked && avglschecked != 1) { var sPos = avglschecked.indexOf("S"); var hash = (sPos > -1) ? avglschecked.substring(0, sPos) : null;
var split = (sPos > -1) ? avglschecked.substring(sPos+1) : null;
if (hash && split && split != searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_NOTEST)
// check updated verdict anchor for verisign domain
var d = event.srcElement.ownerDocument;
if (d.getElementById(“LXPLSS_” + hash + “U” + searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN))
searchshield.avgCallFunc(d, “RecordVSClick”, hash, d.location.href);

var link = anchor.href;
var verdict = searchshield.getAvgImage(anchor);
var score = -1;
var img_id = ”;
if (verdict != null)
score = verdict.score;
img_id = verdict.rawId;

// show popup alert (upper left)
if ((score >= searchshield.SCORE_SS_CAUTION) && (score = elementRect.bottom) &&
(nextImgRect.left -1)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.FilterUrl = function (url, filter)
if (!url || (url.length < 1)) return false; if (!filter || !(filter instanceof Array)) return false; var parts = url.split('/'); if ((parts == null) || (parts.length < 3)) return false; var domain = parts[2]; for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) { if (domain.indexOf(filter[i]) != -1) return true; } return false; }; searchshield.GetDomain = function (url) { if (url != null) { // get url domain var parts = url.split('/'); if ((parts != null) && (parts.length >= 3))
return parts[2].toLowerCase();

return url;
searchshield.getUrlContents = function (url)
if (url == null)
return null;

// don’t query if local url
if (url.indexOf(“linkscanner://”) != -1)
return null;

req = new XMLHttpRequest();“GET”, url, false);
if (req.status == 200)
return req.responseText;
return null;
catch (err)
// nothing to do
return null;
searchshield.parseLink = function (href, simpleMode)
var uri = {};
var parameter = {
complex: {
pattern: /^(?:([a-z]+):(?:([a-z]*):)?//)?(?:([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?@)?((?:[a-z0-9_-]+.)+[a-z]{2,})(?::(d+))?(?:([^:?#]+))?(?:?([^#]+))?(?:#([^s]+))?$/i,
element: [‘source’,’scheme’,’subscheme’,’user’,’pass’,’host’,’port’,’path’,’query’,’fragment’]
simple: {
pattern: /^(?:([a-z]+)://)?((?:[a-z0-9_-]+.)+[a-z]{2,})(?:/)([^:?]+)?(?:([?|#])([^?]+))?$/i,
element: [‘source’,’scheme’,’host’,’path’,’delimiter’,’query’]
var mode = simpleMode !== false ? ‘simple’ : ‘complex’;
var pattern = parameter[mode].pattern;
var element = parameter[mode].element;

if (!href)
return uri;

var matches = href.match(pattern);

if (matches)
// ——————–
// iterate over the matches array and populate uri properties
// using the respective element parameter as the name.
// NOTE: set raw property type as String to make inArray()
// work properly with instanceof.
// ——————–
for (var i=0; i < matches.length; i++) uri[element[i]] = new String(matches[i] || ""); // -------------------- // create an array, hostArray, from host, for example, // host="" and hostArray=["www","google","com"] // -------------------- uri.hostArray ="."); // -------------------- // create an array, qsArray, from query, for example, // query='hl=en&q=javascript&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=' // qsArray=[{hl:'en'},{q:javascript}, ... ,(qs_rfai:''}] // // $0=entire match, $1=capture 1, $2=capture 2 // must include $0 even though it is unused so // the replace works properly // -------------------- uri.qsArray = searchshield.parseQuery(uri.query); } //non-standard urls require a fail-safe that relies on simply splitting the href function splitLink(href) { // split the href on '/' var linkParts = href.split("/"); // need domain and path if ((linkParts == null) || (linkParts.length < 2)) return false; var uri = { delimiter: (linkParts[3]).substring(0,1), host: linkParts[2], hostArray: (linkParts[2]).split('.'), path: (linkParts[3]).substring(1), qsArray: [], query: '', scheme: (linkParts[0]).substring(0, linkParts[0].length-1), source: href }; return uri; } if (! uri = splitLink(href); return uri; }; searchshield.parseQuery = function (qs) { var qsArray = []; qs.replace(/(?:^|&)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g, function ($0, $1, $2) { if ($1) qsArray[$1] = $2; } ); return qsArray; }; // general functions searchshield.arrayKeys = function (array) { var keys = new Array(); for(k in array) keys.push(k); return keys; }; searchshield.inArray = function (key, array, caseSensitive, exactMatch) { if (! array instanceof Array) return false; if (caseSensitive !== true) caseSensitive = false; if (exactMatch !== false) exactMatch = true; if (key instanceof String) { for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { var k = caseSensitive ? key.valueOf() : key.valueOf().toLowerCase(); var a = caseSensitive ? array[i] : array[i].toLowerCase(); if(exactMatch && k === a) return true; else if (!exactMatch && (-1 !== k.indexOf(a))) return true; } } else if (key instanceof Array) { for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) for (var j=0; j < key.length; j++) { var k = caseSensitive ? key[j] : key[j].toLowerCase(); var a = caseSensitive ? array[i] : array[i].toLowerCase(); if (exactMatch && k === a) return true; else if (!exactMatch && (-1 !== k.indexOf(a))) return true; } } return false; }; searchshield.getClickHandlerParams = function(clickHandler) { var re = /((?:'[^']*')|[w]*)(?:,|))/ig; var chParams = []; clickHandler.replace(re, function($0, $1, $2){ if ($1) chParams.push($1); } ); return chParams; }; // general use functions - end // Search constructor searchshield.Search = function() { this.doc = null; this.engine = null; this.engines = null; this.links = null; this.uri = null; this.searchHash = null; this.checkUrl = null; this.useLocalImgs = null; this.clockUrl = null; // create engine list (actually key/value object will be used) this.engineList = {}; }; searchshield.Search.prototype.getSearchNames = function() { // order is important var names = [ 'Google', 'AVGGoogle', 'AltaVista', 'AVGYahoo', 'Yahoo', 'Bing', 'MSN', // MSN redirects to BING 'Baidu', 'Earthlink', 'AOL', 'Ask', 'Yandex', 'Seznam', 'Webhledani', 'eBay', ///temp 'Digg', 'Slashdot', 'Twitter', 'GMail', 'Facebook', 'MySpace' ]; return names; }; searchshield.Search.prototype.detectEngine = function(href) { if (!href) return; var aEng = searchshield.Search.prototype.getSearchNames(); var aEngLen = aEng.length; for (var i=0; i < aEngLen; i++) { if (searchshield[aEng[i] + 'SearchEngine'].prototype.validSearch(href)) return aEng[i]; } return; }; searchshield.Search.prototype.addEngine = function(engine) { if (!this.engines) this.engines = new Array(); this.engines.push(engine); }; searchshield.Search.prototype.addLink = function(inElement, inHref) { if (!this.links) this.links = new Array(); var hrefHash; try { hrefHash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetHash', inHref); } catch (e){} var newNode = { element: inElement, href: inHref, hash: hrefHash, search: this.searchHash }; this.links.push(newNode); return newNode; } // process the search result page after all search engines have been added searchshield.Search.prototype.process = function(doc) { // only process when searchshield is enabled if (!searchshield.enabled(doc)) return; this.doc = doc; this.href = this.doc.location.href; this.uri = searchshield.parseLink(this.href); try { this.searchHash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetHash', this.href); // get any previously active engine this.engine = this.engineList[this.searchHash.toString()]; } catch (e) {} /* Process Steps: 1. Add all supported search engines 2. Identify the active search engine 3. Get all document links and add AVG images */ // STEP 1 - Add all supported search engines if (!this.engines) { var aEng = xplSearch.getSearchNames(); var aEngLen = aEng.length; for (var i=0; i < aEngLen; i++) { xplSearch.addEngine(new searchshield[aEng[i]+'SearchEngine'](this)); } } // search the engines if we didn't find one if (!this.engine) { // STEP 2 - Identify the active search engine var engLen = this.engines.length; for (var i = 0; i < engLen; i++) { if (this.engines[i].validSearch()) { this.engine = this.engines[i]; break; } } // create a new engine instance to store this.engineList[this.searchHash.toString()] = this.engine; // init this search, if < 1 either an error or disabled //var sdkInit = 0; //try { // sdkInit = xpl_sdk.SXPL_InitSearch(this.href); //} //catch(e){} //if (sdkInit < 1) // return false; } // return immediately if there is not an active search engine if (!this.engine) return false; try { // base url to check for icons this.checkUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetIconUrl', '1'); // check if using linked or local icons this.useLocalImgs = !searchshield.getUrlContents(this.checkUrl); // get the clock url this.clockUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetIconUrl', '0'); } catch(e){} // STEP 3 - Get all document links and add AVG images var alltags = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("*"); // this method works for IE, FF and Chrome for (var i=0; i < alltags.length; i++) { // ignore verdicts if (alltags[i].id && (alltags[i].id.indexOf("LXPLSS_") != -1)) continue; //should the link be included? Make sure includeLink always returns an href else FALSE, var href = this.engine.includeLink(alltags[i]); if (!href) continue; var newNode = this.addLink(alltags[i], href); this.engine.addImage(newNode, this.clockUrl, false); } return (this.links ? this.links.length : false); }; //////////////// SEARCH //////////////// //////////////// SEARCH ENGINE //////////////// // Interface for a SearchEngine object searchshield.SearchEngine = function(search) { = search; this.type = 'standard'; this.processFrames = false; this.new_links = true; this.onlyPrimaries = true; this.inline = { clockImage: "linkscanner://clock12.png", image: [ "linkscanner://safe12.png", "linkscanner://caution12.png", "linkscanner://warning12.png", "linkscanner://blocked12.png" ], color: { classname: ["green","yellow","orange","red"], border: ["#00A120", "#EAA500", "#F57301", "#D20003"], background: ["#C3E5CA", "#FEEFAE", "#FFD3B0", "#F5D4C1"] } }; this.filter_urls = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]; this.shortened_urls = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]; this.showCleanVerdicts = true; this.showLowRiskVerdicts = true; this.showMedRiskVerdicts = true; this.VeriSignSplit = searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_NOTEST; }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.flyoverExists = function (doc) { return !!doc.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover"); }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.inlineExists = function (doc) { return !!doc.getElementById("XPLSS_InlineFlyover"); }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) { return false; }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(link) { return false; }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.insertNodes = function(node, doc) { var element = node.element; var parentNode = node.element.parentNode; if (parentNode == null) { // try and find element again based on the hash element = doc.getElementById("xplid_" + node.hash); parentNode = !!element ? element.parentNode : null; } var insertNode = !!element ? element.nextSibling : null; while ((insertNode != null) && (insertNode.tagName != null) && (insertNode.tagName == "SPAN")) { insertNode = insertNode.nextSibling; } return [insertNode, parentNode]; }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.addImage = function(node, image, hidden) { var element = node.element; var hash = node.hash; var score = node.score; // set verdict display configuration var doc = element.ownerDocument; if (this.type != 'inline' && !doc.getElementById('XPLSS_Flyover')) searchshield.initFlyover(doc, this); // get the proper insertion point for the image var insertNodes = this.insertNodes(node, doc); var insertNode = insertNodes[0]; var parentNode = insertNodes[1]; if (!parentNode) return; // see if we already have an image if ((insertNode != null) && ( != null) && ("XPLSS_") > -1))

// mark search result anchor so it isn’t processed repeatedly
if (score == undefined)
element.setAttribute(“avglschecked”, hash + “S” + this.VeriSignSplit);

// create a new image
var img = doc.createElement(‘img’);
img.src = image; = “XPLSS_” + hash; = “none”; = “0 3px”;

// for IE, specify these style attributes to prevent inadvertent inheritance from parent
if (img.width && img.height)
{ = img.width + ‘px’; = img.height + ‘px’;

// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(img, this.addImageStyle);

// create the link element
var anchor = doc.createElement(“A”);
anchor.setAttribute(“id”, “LXPLSS_” + hash);

if ((hidden != null) && (hidden == true))
{ // hiding the parent will also hide its child nodes = “none”;

// Default anchor styles
//Over-ride possible border style with inline declaration = “none”;

// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(anchor, this.addAnchorStyle);

if (score == searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN)
{ = “none”; = “none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent”;

// append the image to the link

// insert the node as either a sibling or a child
if (insertNode != null)
parentNode.insertBefore(anchor, insertNode);

return anchor;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.updateImage = function (hash, search, score, image, alt_image, flyover, click_thru, altClick_thru)
var updated = false;

var frameDoc =;
var docFrames = frameDoc.frames;
var frameElem;
if (docFrames && this.processFrames)
for (var i=0; i < docFrames.length; i++) { try { if (docFrames[i].document.getElementById(hash)) { frameElem = docFrames[i].frameElement; frameDoc = docFrames[i].document; break; } } catch(err){} } } while ((element = frameDoc.getElementById(hash)) != null) { // check configuration to determine if verdict display property var showVerdict = true; var nSeverity = Number(score - 1); switch (nSeverity) { case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_LOW: showVerdict = this.showLowRiskVerdicts; break; case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_MED: showVerdict = this.showMedRiskVerdicts; break; case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE: showVerdict = this.showCleanVerdicts; break; default: if (score == searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN) showVerdict = this.showCleanVerdicts; break; } // remove image if no url specified if ((!showVerdict) || (image == null) || (image.length < 1)) { // hide the parent anchor node = "none"; // mark the id as being hidden (element is the image) = + "H"; updated = true; // if not a verisign score if (score != searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN) continue; } // cleanup flyover, replace any new lines or single quotes flyover = searchshield.CleanupHTML(flyover); // mark the id as having been updated = + "U" + score; element.src = image; element.attachEvent("onmouseover", function(e){avglsflyover.popup(e, hash, search, flyover)}); element.attachEvent("onmouseout", function(e){avglsflyover.hide(e)}); // check for attribute updates (elementAttribute is an associative array (i.e., object) if (this.elementAttribute) { for (a in this.elementAttribute) { if(this.elementAttribute[a]) element.setAttribute(a, this.elementAttribute[a]); } } // To dynamically reduce verdict image size if it causes its container to scroll // when not showing alt images determine if the element containing // the verdict image is scrolling and decrease the image size by // the scroll amount (min size is 80% or original) var reduceBy = 0.8; var scrl = 0; if (!alt_image || this.omitAltImage || this.VeriSignSplit == searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTB) { try{ var maxLoop = 5; var cN = element.parentNode.parentNode; //image->anchor->containerNodes…
while (cN && maxLoop–)
if (cN.tagName == “DIV” || cN.tagName == “SPAN”)
// get object height depending on ie document mode
var clientHeight = (cN.clientHeight == 0 ||
( && < 8)) ? cN.offsetHeight : cN.clientHeight; scrl = cN.scrollHeight - clientHeight; break; } cN = cN.parentNode; } if (0 < scrl) { var eH = (element.height - scrl)/element.height; if (reduceBy > eH)
eH = reduceBy;

var newDim = Math.ceil(eH*element.height);

element.height = newDim;
element.width = newDim; = newDim + “px”; = newDim + “px”;

// set default style attributes = “”;

// if verisign icon showing move our icon up for better centering of the 2
// except for IE7 browser – it does not like this style
try {
var ieVersion = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split(“MSIE”)[1]);
if (alt_image && (alt_image.length > 0) && ieVersion != 7) = “10%”;

// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(element, this.updateImageStyle)

// update the click thru
var link =“L” + hash);
if (link)
link.href = click_thru; = + “U” + score;

updated = true;

// add the alternate image if supplied BUT not on avg yahoo
if ((alt_image) &&
(alt_image.length > 0) &&
(!this.omitAltImage) &&
(this.VeriSignSplit != searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTB))

var vhash = hash.substring(hash.indexOf(“_”)+1);

// create a temporary link node
var tmp_node = {
element: element.parentNode,
href: altClick_thru,
hash: vhash + “VU” + score,
search: this.searchHash,
score: score

var altAnchor = this.addImage(tmp_node, alt_image, false);
if (altAnchor && altAnchor.firstChild)
altAnchor.firstChild.setAttribute(“onmouseover”, “”);
altAnchor.href = altClick_thru;

if (updated != false)
return true;

return false;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.updateElementStyle = function (element, elementStyle)
if (elementStyle)
{ // a NULL attribte value will unset it
for(attr in elementStyle)
try {
if (, elementStyle[attr]);
else[attr] = elementStyle[attr];
} catch(err){}

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.resizeFrame = function (frameElem)
{ // resize frame to prevent unwanted scrolling after inserting verdicts

// ignore inline and non-frame engines
if ((this.type == ‘inline’) || (!this.processFrames))

// ensure all required elements are available
if ((frameElem == null) || ( == null) || (frameElem.contentWindow == null))

// if frame is scrolling vertically then resize
var frameHeight = parseInt(, 10);
if (!isNaN(frameHeight) && (frameHeight < frameElem.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight)) = frameElem.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px'; return; }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.getImgElement = function (element) { // return an xpl img element associated with a given element if (element == null) return null; // go up the parent tree looking for a header or div while ( (element.parentNode != null) && (element.tagName.charAt(0) != "H") && (element.tagName.charAt(0) != "D") && (element.tagName.charAt(0) != "T") ) { element = element.parentNode; } // if all the way to the top, nothing if ((element.tagName == "HTML") || (element == null)) return null; // get image tags, if none we are done var imgTags = element.getElementsByTagName("IMG"); if ((imgTags == null) || (imgTags.Length < 1)) return null; for (var i = 0; i < imgTags.length; i++) { if ((imgTags[i].id == null) || (imgTags[i].id.indexOf("XPLSS_") == -1)) continue; return imgTags[i]; } // else didn't find anything return null; }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.setRatingsConfig = function (doc) { // get verdict configuration, need at least severity var results = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'GetRatingsConfig'); var parts = !!results ? results.split('::') : null; if (parts != null && parts.length >= 5)
{ //if set to default then get config value
if (this.showCleanVerdicts === true)
this.showCleanVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[0]) == 1) ? true : false;

if (this.showLowRiskVerdicts === true)
this.showLowRiskVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[1]) == 1) ? true : false;

if (this.showMedRiskVerdicts === true)
this.showMedRiskVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[2]) == 1) ? true : false;

this.VeriSignSplit = (parseInt(parts[4]));

return true;

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.init_inline_ratings = function (doc)
if ((doc == null) || (doc.getElementById(“XPLSS_InlineFlyover”)))

if (!searchshield.quirksMode)
// create style for inline flyovers
var styleTag = doc.createElement(“style”);

var headTag = doc.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0];

var inline_style = styleTag.styleSheet;
// stub in the base image name as the url
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO”, “background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_tl.png) no-repeat top left;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO”, “width:0px; font-size:0px; z-index:9999; visibility:hidden; position:absolute; left:-5000px;”);

inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_content”, “background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_r.png) top right repeat-y;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_content”,”font-size:10px; color:black; padding:0px 10px; text-align:left; word-wrap:break-word; line-height:130%”);

inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_head”, “background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_tr.png) no-repeat top right;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_head”, “width:0px; height:5px;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_head div”,”height:5px;”);

inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_foot”, “background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_bl.png) no-repeat bottom left”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_foot”, “height:5px;”);

inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_foot div”, “background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_br.png) no-repeat bottom right”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_foot div”, “height:5px; width:0px;”);

try {
// create the popup box
var box = doc.createElement(“DIV”);
if (searchshield.quirksMode)
{ = “hidden”; = “absolute”; = “-5000px”;

box.setAttribute(“id”, “XPLSS_InlineFlyover”);
box.setAttribute(“class”, “avgILFO”);

box = null;

searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.show_inline_ratings = function (doc, node, image)
var href = node.href;
var anchor = node.element;

if ((href == null) || (href.length < 1)) return; if (avglsinlineflyover.imageExists(anchor)) return; // mark search result anchor so it isn't processed repeatedly anchor.setAttribute("avglschecked", "1"); // get verdict this.display_inline(doc, anchor, href, node, false); }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.display_inline = function (doc, anchor, href, node, update, min_severity) { // min_severity is the lowest severity to display, so setting it to // 1 would not display safe icons var results = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'MalsiteCheck', href); if (results == null) return; var parts = results.split('::'); // need at least severity if (parts == null) return; var nSeverity = parseInt(parts[0]); if (!update && nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE) { var shortUrl = searchshield.FilterUrl(href, this.shortened_urls); if (shortUrl) { // shortened url verdicts display later var engine = this; anchor.attachEvent("onmouseover", function(event){avglsinlineflyover.mouseOverHandler(event, doc, engine)}); return; } } // severity -1 signifies sb.dat load failure if ( nSeverity == -1 ) nSeverity = searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE; //blacklist url var blShortUrl = false; if (nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_BLOCK) { var shortUrl = searchshield.FilterUrl(href, this.shortened_urls); if (shortUrl) blShortUrl = true; } // need xlated cat tag and category if (parts.length < 3) return; // check the minimum to display if ((min_severity != null) && (nSeverity < min_severity)) return; if (nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_LOW && !this.showLowRiskVerdicts) { if (update) this.avg_ls_inline_hide_verdict(anchor); return; } if (nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_MED && !this.showMedRiskVerdicts) { if (update) this.avg_ls_inline_hide_verdict(anchor); return; } if (nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE && !this.showCleanVerdicts) { if (update) this.avg_ls_inline_hide_verdict(anchor); return; } if (update) this.update_inline_image(anchor, nSeverity, parts); else this.add_inline_image(doc, anchor, nSeverity, parts, blShortUrl); }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.avg_ls_inline_hide_verdict = function (anchor) { var image = avglsinlineflyover.getImage(anchor); if (image) { = "none"; if (image.parentNode && == "avg_ls_anch") = "none"; } }; searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.update_inline_image = function (anchor, nSeverity, aRisk) { // update the image already in the page if (anchor && anchor.firstChild) { var html = ''; var image = ''; if (aRisk != null && nSeverity != null) { var riskCategory = aRisk[1]; var riskName = aRisk[2]; var bgColor = this.inline.color.background[nSeverity]; var borderColor = this.inline.color.border[nSeverity]; image = this.inline.image[nSeverity]; html =, riskName, bgColor, borderColor); } var imageElem = anchor.firstChild; imageElem.src = image; if ( html && html.length > 0 )
imageElem.setAttribute(“title”, “”);
imageElem.attachEvent(“onmouseover”, function(e){avglsinlineflyover.popup(e, html, nSeverity)});
imageElem.attachEvent(“onmouseout”, function(e){avglsinlineflyover.hide(e)});

// add the image to the page
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.add_inline_image = function (doc, anchor, nSeverity, aRisk, blShortUrl)
if (anchor == null || anchor.parentNode == null)
return null;

// get the proper insertion point for the image
var insertNode = anchor.nextSibling;
while ((insertNode != null) &&
(insertNode.tagName != null) &&
(insertNode.tagName == “SPAN”))
insertNode= insertNode.nextSibling;

// see if we already have an image anchor
if ((insertNode != null) &&
( != null) &&
( == “avg_ls_anch”))
return null;

var html = ”;
var image = this.inline.clockImage;
if (aRisk != null && nSeverity != null)
var riskCategory = aRisk[1];
var riskName = aRisk[2];
var bgColor = this.inline.color.background[nSeverity];
var borderColor = this.inline.color.border[nSeverity];
image = this.inline.image[nSeverity];

var blUrl;
if (blShortUrl)
var aRiskName = riskName.split(‘:’);
var sUrl = searchshield.checkUrl(aRiskName[1]);

blUrl = {};
blUrl.riskNameLabel = aRiskName[0] + ‘: ‘;
blUrl.riskCategory = riskCategory;
blUrl.bgColor = bgColor;
blUrl.borderColor = borderColor;
blUrl.sUrl = sUrl;
html =, riskName, bgColor, borderColor);

doc = anchor.ownerDocument;

var img = doc.createElement(“img”);
img.src = image;
img.setAttribute(“id”,”avg_ls_image”); = “12px”; = “12px”; = “none”; = “0 3px”; = “0”;

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